Overarching Aim
Towards a sustainable energy technology with negative carbon footprint to produce methanol at SATP conditions by developing and scale-up an innovative electrochemical system in order to enable sustainable CO2 capture, direct conversion and storage as liquid fuel.

Our Goal

To save our planet from global warming, we need to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions but at the same time prevent depletion of our resources and provide sustainable energy solutions to satisfy the growing energy demand. The technology proposed by NEXTCCUS effectively addresses these challenges utilizing renewable energy to efficiently convert various source of CO2 to methanol under ambient conditions. Methanol is a clean, sustainable liquid fuel that can be stored on a large scale for a long time and used to replace fossil fuels as a means of energy storage, transportation fuel, and feedstock for synthetic hydrocarbons and their products, or even used directly in fuel cells.
NEXTCCUS goal is to deliver methanol on industrial scale in line with carbon circular economy via an innovative electrochemical system for low-energy-consuming, efficient/selective direct and continuous CO2 capture and conversion to methanol working at Standard Ambient Temperature and Pressure (SATP) in a low-cost electrochemical (EC) reactor.

News & Events
The NEXTCCUS-Crete2023 Workshop will be held on 12th September 2023 in Heraklion - Crete - Greece (in-person format). Here you can access the program of the workshop.
6 July 2023 Rome - Italy
The NEXTCCUS-23 workshop held successfully on 6th July in Rome - Italy in hybrid mode (online and in-person).
The organisers would like to thank all the speakers and participants of the workshop.
7 July 2023 Rome - Italy
The M18 Technical Meeting of the NEXTCCUS project was organized by ITC on 7th July 2023 in Rome - Italy.
Conference Contribution
Dr. Mahmoud Zendehdel (NEXTCCUS project manager) has been participated in The Conference on Artificial Photosynthesis and Green Catalysis (CAP GC) 2023, has been held in EPFL University, Lausanne, Switzerland on 17-19 July 2023.

Consortium as a whole

NEXTCCUS consortium consist of following partners and linked research groups:
IRITALY Trading Company S.r.l., (ITC)
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Institute of Structure of Matter (CNR-ISM)
Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU)
University College London, Institute for Materials Discovery
Argonne National Lab (Argonne)
Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Institut de recherches sur la catalyse et l’environnement de Lyon (IRCELYON)
Université paris-Saclay, Institut de chimie physique