ACT3 funded project (ERA-NET ACT 2021) consisting of 9 academic/industrial partners from different countries in EU and US.
Our Services
Overarching Aim
Towards a sustainable energy technology with negative carbon footprint to produce methanol at SATP conditions by developing and scale-up an innovative electrochemical system in order to enable sustainable CO2 capture, direct conversion and storage as liquid fuel.
Realization of a system for sustainable CO2 capture and direct reduction to methanol working at SATP conditions.
To demonstrate cost effectiveness of the technology by developing volume manufacturing.
Reducing the emission of carbon intensive industries with a sustainable CO2-based circular economy solution.
Reducing the environmental and energy impacts of the system.

Carbon Circular Economy
A stand-alone demonstrator will be realized and validated in the industrial lines of i) a carbon intensive industry, and ii) a biogas power plant to produce blue and green e-methanol from CO2 emission, respectively. Thanks to low-energy-consuming, low-cost materials and scalability of the system, NEXTCCUS technology can deliver a cost-effective system for various industrial plants with production costs similar to current fossil methanol. In line with the current EU policies about reduction of the GHG emissions by at least 40% by 2030 and a long-term target at 80-95% reduction in emissions by 2050 in comparison to 1990 emission levels, NEXTCCUS will provide a sustainable negative carbon footprint technology solution for recycling of CO2 emission into a clean sustainable fuel.
To demonstrate a feasible road-map toward commercialization.
Outline of Work Plan
Implementation of the NEXTCCUS project will be executed via 7 WPs, each developing a part of the project step-by-step over a 36-month duration. Overall, the project’s activities can be depicted by 5 pillars based on activities’ type. i) The WP1 (24 months) for lab-scale development of the system; ii) Up-scaling to the system’s prototype will be performed in the next step via WP3 (12 months); iii) In the final step, industrial validation of the prototype will be realized through WP4; iv) The research and engineering activities of the project will be supported by advanced analytical instruments and modeling/simulation approaches in WP2 and sustainability assessment and business model development in WP5; v) the project will be supported by two WPs related to communication/dissemination/exploitation activities (WP6) and project management in WP7.